
The branches endpoint provides access to the mappings between HGEM's identifier to those provided by our clients.

If you try to access the branches endpoint and your API Key or Access Token does not entitle you to, you will receive a 403 - Forbidden response.

Making requests to the /branches endpoint

To make a valid request, you will need to supply ALL of the following parameters on the querystring of the endpoint URL:

Parameter name Data type Permitted values
HgemClientId Integer Must be a value greater than zero

Query parameter limits

Please review the Rate Limiting page for information on request rate limits that HGEM impose.

Example requests

Example cUrl:
curl -X GET
  -H "hgem-api-key: YOUR-API-KEY-GOES-HERE" 
  -H "Authorization: Bearer Some_really_long_base64_encoded_text_that_makes_up_your_JWT_access_token" 
Example Raw HTTP/1.1:

Below is an example request made by Postman

GET /branches?hgemclientid=123456 HTTP/1.1
hgem-api-key: YOUR-API-KEY-GOES-HERE
Authorization: Bearer Some_really_long_base64_encoded_text_that_makes_up_your_JWT_access_token
User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.13.0
Accept: */*
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: e7fd3f29-dad4-4e82-8af8-dca71a93925e,2a369656-b09b-4212-9799-68f2fa4459af
accept-encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive
cache-control: no-cache

Possible API responses

HTTP Response Status Description
200 - OK Success - response body will contain your data
400 - Bad Request You have made a malformed request that cannot be processed (with the same parameters), even if you were to retry
401 - Unauthorized You have either failed to provide an API Key, an access token, or requested an endpoint you are not entitled to use
403 - Forbidden You have requested results data you are not entitle to access. Change your query
429 - Too Many Requests You have breached our API rate limits, try again later
500 - Internal Server Error The API request has resulted in an error which we have not been able to provide further information for.
503 - Service Unavilable The API is currently unavailable, try again later

See here for further information on HTTP response codes.

Successful Requests

When you make a successful request on the /branches endpoint, the response will be as per the example below:
Please review the Data Dictionary page for information on interpreting the data returned from your requests.

Bad Requests

When you make API calls that result in a response of 400 - Bad Request, you may also get a ProblemDetails response in the body.

An example response would be: